COVID-19 Update: Catch Live Bait is accepting orders and shipping without any unexpected delays.
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Pinfish Traps
Bait Pens
Crab Traps
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What our customers are saying...
  • "Bought one of Catch Live Bait traps a couple of months ago (Offshore Model)....Set it out and a Wal Mart trap about 20 yds from each other (same depth)...Wal Mart caught a dozen, Catch Live Bait trap caught almost 4 dozen and is HALF the size of the wally world one.....Just thought I'd throw in some advertisement!!"

    ~ Justin

Trap Construction

Each one of our Pinfish Traps, Crab Traps and Live Bait Pens are handmade to insure the highest levels of quality, durability and performance. Only the highest quality materials from the most trusted manufacturers are used in the construction of all of our products. All Catch Live Bait products are assembled with saltwater specific components, where possible, and we use only the highest quality fastening rings to assemble the products. The minute you receive your Catch Live Bait Pinfish TrapsCrab Traps or Live Bait Pens you will know why our products are superior to any other currently on the market.

At no point do we ever compromise the quality of a component in the construction of our products. Each product is assembled with the industry specialized tools to insure structural integrity, performance and extended product life.

We use only the best 16 gauge PVC coated galvanized mesh available in the construction of all of our Pinfish TrapsCrab Traps and Live Bait Pens. This smooth vinyl coated mesh adheres tightly to the galvanized wire so there is no migration of water to the wire and therefore no rusting. It is the best mesh wire we have ever seen.

Tired of wasting time, money and effort on the same ineffective traps?

Buy a Catch Live Bait Trap Today . . . The LAST TRAP YOU WILL EVER BUY!

Live Bait - Big Fish