"These are GREAT traps. They absolutley slay the pinfish. No need to cary around one of those huge plastic wire coated beasts. These little suckers do the job, and do it well."
~ Anonymous
"Got my coastal model in the water today. It was only in about two hours and had already caught about 10 pinfish. These traps are the bomb! Thanks for making a better mousetrap (so to speak)."
~ Jody
"I've been using my Offshore model on a regular basis. And, I'm getting nice numbers within minutes. Unbelievable!"
~ Anonymous
"I can attest to the effectiveness of the Catch Live Bait traps. I've tried them and they will catch pinfish when other traps will not. They outcatch the conventional traps probably about 4 to 1. They are amazing!"
~ Capt. Jake Adams
"I have tried a bunch of pinfishtrap traps and these are far and away the best.Period!”
~ Russ C
"I used your pinfish trap for the first time last week, and WOW, did it ever work! I put a Ladyfish cut in half, along with the remains of a cleaned Sea Trout and put it in the water at the end of the dock the afternoon before a fishing trip. The next morning I hauled it up to find it packed with pinfish! The dock master there could not believe his eyes. I am sure the word will get around and I will be asked for your contact info, so get ready for some orders. please advise how I can get your information to my fellow Freedom Boat Club members."
~ R.D.
"All I can say is wow....what a trap. Put the inshore model out near a grass flat last night with a few cut Menhaden and in the morning it was full of perfect sized pin-fish for trout...and just left it near where we were fishing and replenished my bait bucket all day.."
~ David
"I bought two Catch Live Bait traps last year. For the Hargreaves tournament, I put one on one side of the dock, one on the other, wally world in the middle. Each Catch Live Bait trap had 40+ pinfish in them, Wally World had 2. That was in the grass in the sound. I had them in about a 30' span."
~ Rocklobster
"Bought one of Catch Live Bait traps a couple of months ago (Offshore Model)....Set it out and a Wal Mart trap about 20 yds from each other (same depth)...Wal Mart caught a dozen, Catch Live Bait trap caught almost 4 dozen and is HALF the size of the wally world one.....Just thought I'd throw in some advertisement!!"